Legendary creature that knows teleport 5e
Legendary creature that knows teleport 5e

legendary creature that knows teleport 5e

She wants to cast fly and catch Vel'Krathis's body on her turn before he hits the ground and dies. Ashryn is on the ground without her fly spell active. This proves to be ineffective and he is knocked unconscious, with two failed death saving throws, before being throw from the dragon's back a hundred feet up.

  • Having failed to learn his lesson, Vel'Krathis tries the " dimension door-and-ride" tactic against the ancient red dracolich he goes up against next.
  • Being a monk, she naturally takes advantage of her Slow Fall ability.

    legendary creature that knows teleport 5e

    Before landing, however, she is hit by an attack from the wyvern at 80 feet up and loses concentration on fly. Ashryn is able to catch Vel'Krathis and prevents him from hitting the ground.

    legendary creature that knows teleport 5e

    Luckily, his friend Ashryn is flying nearby and does her best to catch him before he falls to the ground. The wyvern is somehow able to remove Vel'Krathis from his back, seemingly dooming him to a hundred-foot fall.The wyvern would like to shake Vel'Krathis off if it can it would also like to attack the tiefling with its bite and stinger attacks.

    legendary creature that knows teleport 5e

    Having wrestled the wight off of the wyvern, Vel'Krathis now faces a battle with the creature itself.However, this time the creature has a rider (a wight gladiator, in this case), who attempts to remove him from the wyvern. He is able to climb aboard the creature using whatever mechanics you prefer. In a later battle, Vel'Krathis uses the dimension door tactic again to get on top of a wyvern in midair.Luckily, his friend Ghravos is watching from below and wants to cast control winds on his own turn to slow his friend's fall. Vel'Krathis somehow slays the second dragon (on his turn), but he is out of spell slots and seems doomed to fall four hundred feet along with the dead dragon.Can he attack the second dragon with his second attack, and if so, is it possible for him to stay astride it? As he deals the final blow, with his first attack, he realizes the other dragon is within range of his misty step, which he casts as a bonus action. Through astounding feats of heroism, Vel'Krathis slays one of the dragons in midair, while atopt it.He casts the spell, attempting to teleport on top of one of the dragons so he can attack it. Currently, they are out of range for even Vel'Krathis's extended eldritch blast - but not his trusty dimension door spell. In a pitched battle with hundreds of troops on both sides, two young red dragons circle above, providing guidance and occasional support to the undead side of the battle.Here are some of the situations that have come up*: Though he can neither fly nor teleport, he can cast control winds as a domain spell. Ghravos, an elven Tempest Cleric (15).Ashryn, a half-elf Monk of the Four Elements (15) who can cast fly with her ki points and use slow fall as a reaction.Vel'Krathis, a tiefling Paladin (6)/Warlock (9) with a magic sword and the misty step and dimension door spells.Here are the characters involved and their relevant abilities*: I'm really curious to see how you all would handle these situations. This has led to a number of situations and rules calls that the books only give sketchy guidance for. Recently in my high-level game (15th level) the subjects of flying and teleportation have come up quite often.

    Legendary creature that knows teleport 5e